Manufacturers Must Embrace Sustainability to Meet Changing Customer Preferences

By Rajul Malde A recent study by McKinsey revealed that 66% of all customers actively consider sustainability when making a purchase, a figure that rises to 75% among millennials. This data showcases a profound shift in consumer behavior, where individuals are no longer just seeking products but a connection with brands that align with their […]
Quality is the best strategy to sustain consumer confidence

By Rajul Malde The world economy is in a state of uncertainty characterised by rising inflation attributed to the lingering impact of Covid-19 pandemic on global supply chains and the protracted conflict in Ukraine. The surge in prices of goods and services is driving individuals and households to cut back on spending. The cost of […]
In a tough economy, innovation is the only way out for manufacturing firms

The prevailing economic turbulence coupled with challenging policy and operating environments demand that key sectors like manufacturing re-think their long-term strategies. Innovation is one such strategy as it involves coming up, not only with new products, but also resilient business models to drive future business sustainability.